
Responsible Sourcing and Human Rights

With an emphasis on harmony with our business partners, MonotaRO strives to formulate guidelines and procurement policies that work towards developing an industrial society that considers the environment and human rights while implementing measures for compliance.
In our procurement policy, we have included co-existence and co-prosperity with our business partners, consideration of human rights and working environments, abiding by laws and maintaining confidentiality, and consideration for the environment. We established procurement guidelines for compliance with laws and regulations, human rights and labor, safety and hygiene, the environment, fair trade and ethics, quality and safety, information security, and management structure.

MonotaRO Sustainable Procurement Policy and Guidelines

Based on its belief that facilitating business activities with emphasis on sustainability will lead to the flourishing of all its suppliers as well as its own, MonotaRO enacted its Procurement Policy and Procurement Guidelines at April 2023. These Guidelines describe MonotaRO's policy and principles, which are aligned with international standards and MonotaRO's sustainability initiatives, along with MonotaRO's code of conduct that also applies to its business partners. As these instruments are designed to clearly communicate MonotaRO's initiatives and requirements in a manner that is easy to understand for its business partners in particular, they will be distributed to, and shared with, all business partners when they come into effect.
When MonotaRO is able to have each of its business partners cooperate on all activities addressed in these Guidelines, it will lead to safer and securer merchandise production and sales, which in turn will earn the trust and confidence of its stakeholders.
We have established procurement guidelines based on the following four main policies.

・Co-existence and Co-prosperity

At MonotaRO, we strive to attend to the following matters so that we can build sound partnerships with all business partners that will allow all parties to grow and flourish.

1. MonotaRO employees shall actively communicate their ideas to all business partners while also actively listening to their opinions in such a manner that maintains and improves the parties' mutual understanding and trusting relationships.
2. MonotaRO employees shall keep monitoring all business partners not only in terms of their quality, lead time, pricing schedule, technology, etc. But also the status of their social responsibility fulfillment while also practicing proper information disclosure with them so that all parties can engage in transactions with adequate knowledge and contentedness.
3. MonotaRO employees shall keep their fingers on the pulse of the industries in terms of environmental measures, technological trends, and changes occurring among customers with a view to innovating business procurement networks with all business partners and jointly developing a sustainable society.
・Awareness on Human Rights and Working Conditions
At MonotaRO, we respect international human rights standards and the human rights of all working people and strive to implement working conditions that are safe and hygienic. In addition, MonotaRO believes in respectful treatment of all its employees as well as all its business partners with a view to realizing a society where all members respect each other's diversity.
・Legal and Regulatory Compliance, Protection of Confidential Information
MonotaRO has been able to grow as a business entity based on the trust cultivated through its compliance with applicable laws and regulations and proper information management. Therefore, MonotaRO's employees all recognize that we are all members of society and conduct procurement activities while fully complying with its laws, regulations, and norms.
・Environmental Measures
At MonotaRO, we actively address various issues related to the global environment on our own initiative while also remaining considerate of the environmental issues that are specific to each regional community so as to ensure the health and safety of the people who live there. MonotaRO also remains committed to providing ecological products to its customers.
We are requesting that the business partners understand and agree to our guidelines and procurement policy.
We are planning to conduct a self-inspection survey for the business partners to check the situation themselves.
In the future, we will then analyze self-inspection questionnaires, review audit processes for compliance, and consider support for improvements.


Diversity and Inclusion

We promote D&I to achieve further MonotaRO's growth and industrial society's development by continuously generating innovation through innovative and creative ideas from diversity.
■MonotaRO’s Basic View on D&I
At MonotaRO, "Diversity" means the different personalities of each and every employee who wishes to grow with us.
In order to make maximum use of our personalities and to commit ourselves to create a work environment where we can continue to play an active role, based on our culture, in which "MonotaRO Recognizes Each Other’s differences" as one of our strengths, we have established three slogans ("MoRE!") to promote D&I and are taking various initiatives.
    ・We bring out the individual potential of each employee in every environment, respect each other’s differences, and cultivate a climate where we can make the most of each other.
    ・We are increasing support and opportunities for employees better to balance the myriad of life events and their jobs. We will support employees so that they are the authors of their own lives and careers, enabling them to live more enriched lives.
    ・We are creating a system where each one of our employees is proud of being a member of MonotaRO and is able to grow with MonotaRO.
Click here (Japanese Only) for more information on "MoRE!".
Realization of MonotaRO’s Mission
To Innovate Business Procurement Network
Expected Impact on D&I Promotion
Sustainable MonotaRO's Growth and Innovation
To be a company where anyone with enthusiasm and qualities can demonstrate their abilities and play an active role
To foster an internal culture that nurtures diversity
D&I Slogan "MoRE!"
We change differences into value!
We act together!
We make a company where everyone wants to continue to work!
We recognize and respect each other, believing that each individual's differences are our strengths.
We believe that everyone at MonotaRO plays on the same team. We eliminate all barriers including social categories (gender, disabilities, nationality, etc.), professional differences, and organization.
We will continue to make a company where everyone wants to continue to work by listening to each other and by removing obstacles that hinder retention and growth of career.
Acceptance of Diverse Human Resources and Support for Their Success
Fostering an Inclusive Culture
Systems for Flexible Work Styles Creating a Rewarding Workplace
Major Initiatives
  • ・Career recruitment of personnel with various specialties and orientations.
  • ・Growth support
    1. ・Various training programs
    2. (e.g., rank-specific training)
    3. ・Encouragement of self-improvement
    4. (provision of self-improvement allowance, subsidies for outside training)
    5. ・Growth plan
    6. (analysis of personal growth issues)
  • ・Fair and transparent human resources evaluation and compensation system.
Major Initiatives
  • ・Communication Measures
    1. ・Town hall MTG
    2. (monthly company-wide MTG, message from top management and  penetration of mission statement)
    3. ・1on1
    4. ・Communication App.
  • ・Holding of Events to Promote Understanding
    1. ・Seminars to promote understanding of  diversity
    2. ・Childcare Roundtable Discussions
Major Initiatives
  • ・Establishment of new flexible work, vacation, and leave systems that can be used for childcare, nursing care, infertility treatment, and medical treatment 
  • ・Welcome Back Hiring Program
  • ・Employee surveys
    1. ・Conduct periodic surveys of employees' willingness to continue working and career advancement orientation, and consider improvements
■Details of Support System for Balancing Work and Life
MonotaRO offers employees a variety of programs to help them balance various life events and work, and to support positive career development.
Leave and Vacation System
Diverse Work Styles
Childcare Support
  • ・Career Design Leave of Absence
    1. ・Leave of absence for the purpose of self-improvement, such as study at universities, graduate schools, specialized research institutes, and language schools in Japan and abroad, working holidays, and articipation in international cooperation activities.
  • ・Family Support Leave
    1. ・A leave system to support life events such as childcare, nursing care, and infertility treatment.
  • ・Accumulated paid leave
    1. ・Paid leave for childcare, nursing care, infertility treatment, and medical treatment.
  • ・Flextime/Shortened Working Hour System
    1. ・Work system available for childcare, nursing care, infertility treatment, and medical treatment.
  • ・Staggered/Sliding Work Hours
    1. ・Flexible working hours for childcare, nursing care, visits to administrative agencies, etc.
  • ・Hourly paid leave system
  • ・Accumulated paid leave ( as it is commonly known) system
  • ・Babysitter Subsidy Program
    1. ・A system that allows employees to discount the use of babysitters by using Children and Families Agency babysitter coupons.
  • Childrearing round-table discussions held regularly
■Upcomming Initiatives
We will promote the following initiatives in order to become a company where all employees can play an even more active role while recognizing each other's diversity and making autonomous career choices by utilizing a receptive work environment based on our important code of conduct, "According Respect to Others."
MoRE! We change differences into value!
MoRE! We act together!
MoRE! We make a company
where everyone wants to continue to work!
  • ・Expansion of employment opportunities to suit diverse human resources and work styles
  • ・Expansion of career development and growth support that takes advantage of diversity
  • ・Development of stable employment measures for people with disabilities to cope with rapid corporate growth
    1. (Assignment of support staff, Consideration of optimal placement, etc.)
  • ・To promote understanding of individual characteristics in order to strengthen inclusion
    1. (expansion of themes, sharing of good practices, etc.)
  • ・To create a mechanism for generating dialogue and awareness
    1. (initiatives to understand unconscious bias, expansion of employee communication meetings, etc.)
  • ・Establishment of an environment and support system to assist independent career development
  • ・Establishment and maintenance of an education system and training programs to put the Code of Conduct into practice
  • ・Enhancement of support for balancing life and work
■Certification by External Organizations

MonotaRO has been certified as an "Eruboshi" (three-star) company.

MonotaRO has been recognized by the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare as an excellent company for promoting women's activities based on the Law for the Promotion of Women's Activities, and certified the highest certification mark "Eruboshi" (three stars).

MonotaRO has been certified as a "Kurumin" company.

MonotaRO has been certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as a "Kurumin" 2023, a "company that supports child-rearing," based on the Law for Measures to Support the Development of the Next Generation.


Initiatives for Human Capital

■Promotion of Diversity and Inclusions (D&I)
At MonotaRO, “Diversity” means the different personalities of each and every employee who wishes to grow with us. We believe that we can continuously generate innovation through innovative and creative ideas by making maximum use of our personalities and committing ourselves to create a work environment where we can continue to play an active role.
■MonotaRO’s Basic View on Employee Engagement
We believe that the improvement of mid- to long-term corporate value depends on the contribution of each employee. Therefore, we are committed to creating an environment where each employee is highly motivated to contribute to MonotaRO and can exhibit their abilities voluntarily.

Evaluation and Compensation System

We operate fair and transparent personnel evaluation and compensation systems based on each employee's performance, regardless of age, tenure, gender, or nationality. We conduct evaluations twice a year.
・Monthly Salary
The monthly salary is determined based on "job performance evaluation." In order to ensure fairness, we disclose the evaluation criteria within the Company. After conducting a mutual comparison and level adjustment within the department of the employee's self-evaluation and the superior's evaluation, we conduct mutual comparison and level adjustment across the company to determine the salary amount.

In the "job performance evaluation," we decompose the contribution to the company resulting from the employee's job performance into six items: "organizational operation," "planning and execution," "business productivity," "reliability," "expertise," and "education and training," and evaluate each one and determine the monthly salary amount based on these criteria.
In addition to "job performance evaluation," we conduct "Objective evaluation" and determine the bonus by considering the respective evaluations of each employee and the achievement status of the company's performance (operating profit).

In the "Objective evaluation," employees set objectives and their process checkpoints, aiming to improve the company's performance and organizational strength, as well as individual job performance improvement, along with their respective department and group objectives.
After considering mutual comparison with the departmental level, followed by the department head's review, we make the final decision. We then evaluate the achievement rate after the end of the term. We carefully set and evaluate the objective accomplishment by monitoring the department and company's level.
・estricted Stock Remuneration Plan to Executive Officers and Certain Senior Employees
We grant restricted stocks with the transfer restriction for the purpose of providing incentives for sustainable improvement of our mid- to long-term corporate value to executive officers and certain senior employees (once a year).

Bereaved family Compensation Program

We provide a bereaved family compensation program for the spouse and children of our employees in case of death.
●Outline of the Program
・Bereaved family compensation: We provide the spouse with 50% of the employee's monthly salary at the time of passing for 10 years.
・Bereaved child compensation: We provide 100 thousand yen per month per child until the child turns 19 years old. However, if the child advances to a senior school such as a university, we extend the payment until a certain age under certain conditions.
The total amount of compensation under this program is limited to 1% of the net income after taxes of the previous year. The monthly payment limit and other details are specified in the "Bereaved family Compensation Rules," which we inform our employees.

Employee Stock Ownership Plan

In order to raise awareness of the continued sustainable increase of our corporate value over the medium- to long-term, we have established an Employee Stock Ownership Plan. We provide an incentive of 10% of the contribution amount as a grant from the company.

Retirement Benefit Program

As a system to support asset formation after retirement and provide death benefits during employment to our employees, we have established a retirement benefit program using an endowment plan.
・Outline of system of the Program
All employees are enrolled in a basic portion of the endowment plan, which the company underwrites. For those who wish to participate, we offer additional payment of the same amount of the employee-contributed premium. We allocate a portion of the death benefit of the endowment plan to the survivor compensation program for those who pass away during employment, and the maturity insurance benefit serves as retirement benefit after retirement age. For those who retire before reaching retirement age, they can receive a portion of the refundable payment according to the years of participation. Further details are specified in the "Retirement Benefits Rules," which we inform our employees.


・Company housing system

Subsidize a portion of the rent or brokerage fees when occupying company housing

・Education Support

Partial subsidies for taking online English/Chinese conversation lessons

・Communication Activation Support

Subsidized expenses for social gatherings (up to a maximum)

Click here (Japanese Only) for more information on MonotaRO's Welfare&Supports.

■ Human Resource Development
We believe that in order for the contributions of our employees to enhance MonotaRO’s corporate value over the medium- to long-term to bear fruit, each employee must develop his or her work abilities, such as “the ability to be self-propelled,” “the ability to lead (both individual projects and the company on the whole),” and “the ability to innovate (the services we provide our customers, and ultimately society).”
To this end, we have created an environment in which these work skills can be acquired through everyday operations, supplemented by systematic training aimed at developing human resources for business growth. In concrete terms, we provide position and rank-specific training, including basic thinking skills, framework thinking, analogical thinking, project management methods, and workshops to share learning and results of solving business issues. In 2023, 1,184 employees participated in various training programs, with about 9,000 hours of training. Moreover, MonotaRO promotes the development of an environment that supports the growth of each employee from various aspects, such as the “One on one meetings,” which supports individual growth through dialogue, the “Growth Plan,” and the “Career Design Leave of Absence.”
Cumulative number of trainees 1,184 person
Cumulative number of training hours About 9,051 hour


Initiatives to Health and Safety

Commitment to Occupational Health and Safety (Logistics)

■MonotaRO’s Basic View on Occupational Health and Safety
Our logistics centers conduct safe operations under the Logistics Department's Health and Safety Policy.In accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Law, we have also established a Health and Safety management system and held a monthly meeting of the Health and Safety Committee.
・Logistics Department Safety and Health Policy
Safety and Health Policy
Safety and health activities are the cornerstone of our operations and, by extension, of our corporate management. To minimize the impact on the safety and health of our employees and the local community, we shall thoroughly implement safety and health management in our corporate activities and aim for a workplace that we can be proud of.
・Article 1: We shall comply with safety and health-related laws, regulations, and internal standards, and strive to further improve our safety and health management.
  • ・Article 2: We shall implement risk assessment to clarify hazardous and harmful factors in the workplace and define priorities for countermeasures, and promote the creation of a safe and comfortable workplace with zero accidents and zero hazards.
  • ・Article 3: To prevent overwork and mental health problems among all employees, we shall enhance our health management system and promote measures to ensure the health of our employees.
  • ・Article 4: We shall communicate with all employees and implement safety and health activities with the participation of all employees.
  • ・Article 5: We shall strive to foster awareness of safety and health through employee education and internal PR activities.
  • ・Article 6: In implementing safety and health activities, we shall allocate appropriate management resources and continuously implement effective improvements.
  • Logistics Department Safety anf Health Management System
    * DC: Abbreviation for distribution center
    ** SC: Abbreviation for satellite center
    ■Major Occupational Health and Safety Initiatives
    • ・Risk Assessment
      1. ・We conduct risk assessments based on the Logistics Department Risk Assessment Implementation Standards. In addition to conducting risk assessments at each work unit, we also conduct risk assessments when introducing new machinery and equipment and when changing workplace layouts, thereby taking measures to prevent accidents and occupational accidents in all aspects. After conducting risk assessments, we promptly implement risk reduction measures and manage residual risks appropriately.

    ・Activities to Prevent Occupational Accidents
      1. ・HHK activities (activities to prevent occupational accidents and incidents based on near-miss and disturbing experiences)

      2. ・Separation of vehicles and pedestrians (safety fences are installed at forklift operation sites in the logistics centers to prevent workers from coming into contact with forklifts)

      3. ・Health manager patrols

      4. ・Self-assessment activities (activities to check various hazardous areas in the logistics centers using a checklist of approximately 80 items)

      5. ・Work change management (safety review) and other measures

    We are promoting initiatives to prevent occupational accidents by implementing the above.
    ・Training in Occupational Health and Safety
      1. ・In addition to the legally required Health and Safety training at the time of hiring, we also provide various Health and Safety training such as heat stroke prevention training, forklift operator safety training, and risk assessment implementation manager training. As of 2023, more than 1,000 employees in total have taken these occupational health and safety training programs.


    Promoting Health and Productivity Management

    ■MonotaRO’s Basic View on Health and Productivity Management
    We are committed to creating a work environment where all our employees can play an active role in a safe and healthy manner.
    ■Health and Productivity Management Promotion System
    * Executive Officer, Human Resources & Organization Development
    ** Including Occupational Health Nurses and Certified Psychologists
    ■Major Initiatives
    Mental & Physical Health Promotion
  • ・Improve the rate of medical checkups: Treat time for medical checkups as work hours
  • ・Prevention of infectious diseases: Subsidize the cost of influenza vaccinations
  • ・Improvement of lifestyle: Health guidance by industrial physicians and health nurses
  • ・Initiatives for women-specific health issues: Seminars on infertility treatment, Establishment of a consultation service
  • ・Long working hours (more than legally required): Fatigue level check for overtime work of 45 hours or more, Industrial physician interview for over 80 hours or more of overtime work
  • ・Initiatives for mental health: Use of external consultation services (EAP)
  • ・Improvement of health literacy: Health seminars by industrial physicians and industrial health workers
  • etc
    Support for Returning to Work and Balancing Treatment and Work
  • ・Reinstatement support: Rehabilitation work program at the company's expense, and rehabilitation work system, Periodic interviews with occupational health workers
  • ・Systems for flexible work styles: Staggered work hour system, Slide work hour system, Flexible work hour system, Shortened working hours system,and Accumulated paid leave system
  • etc
    Initiatives to Improve Job Satisfaction
  • ・Conducting surveys and improving the workplace environment: Implementation of workplace analysis of stress checks,Presenteeism, Measurement and analysis of willingness to continue working, Feedback to management positions
  • ・Communication measures: Guarantee opportunities for dialogue, such as 1-on-1 meetings, Use of communication apps
  • etc
    Regular health checks Full-time employees, part-timers, dependent spouses of insured persons (upon request) ・Under age 29: Health checkup course
    ・Over age 30: Preventive lifestyle disease medical checkup
    ・Over age 35: Comprehensive medical checkups
    Influenza vaccinations All employees ・Implemented at all locations
    Mental health (counseling system) Full-time employees ・Implementation of mental health training (by request)
    ・Counseling system (discussion with a contracted counselor)
    ・Health-Related Indicators (from ESG data (English))
    Average overtime hours per month (full-time employees)
    16.5 hours
    15.5 hours
    16.5 hours
    Percentage of paid leave taken *1
    Percentage of employees receiving health checkups *2
    Stress check inspection rate
    *1: Percentage of paid leave taken relative to paid leave granted in the current fiscal year (not including paid leave taken for leave granted in the previous fiscal year)
    *2:The applicable period is from April of the current year to March of the following year.


    Social Contribution Activities

    CSR Activities

    We have been carrying out social contribution activities to the local community since 2011. We have set up a CSR office, and the office staff and volunteers conduct cleaning activities, weed control and facility repair work that meet the demands of local nurseries and other community requests.

    Supporting the development of manufacturing talent.

    We have been co-sponsoring the "Kawasaki Robot Competition" since 2011 as part of our support for human resource development to promote the manufacturing industry in Japan.
    Links to other initiatives
    *Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, images are strictly prohibited.
    ( As of June 07 2024 )