
Reduction of GHG emissions as a measure against climate change

We will take actions to reduce CO2 emissions by measuring our Scope 1-3 levels in order to grow our business under the climate change risks.
[Reduction Target]
The total amount of GHG emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) from business activities must be reduced to 50% of 2020 levels by 2030.
[Our Initiatives So Far]
・Energy saving

Heat-insulating paint was applied to the roof of the Kasama Distribution Center (2021), and Ibaraki Chuo SC(2023). Temperatures inside DCs lowered.

Optimization of lighting brightness in the AGV operation area at Inagawa DC.

・Optimized in-house warehouse compressor pressure used for automatic material handling and box sealing equipment, etc. (reduced electricity consumption)
・As a corporation governed by the Energy Conservation Act, Company started to work by setting a target of reducing energy consumption 1% or more on an annual basis.
・Implementation of renewable energy
We have switched to substantially renewable energy sources for electricity used at our own properties, through the purchase of non-fossil certificates with tracking information. - Kasama DC and Ibaraki Chuo SC (As of July 2022) - InagawaDC (As of June 2023.)
・CO₂ emissions survey.
Calculate 2020 and 2021 emissions (Scope 1-3) and complete third-party assurance.
[CO₂ emissions (t-CO₂)]
Fuel consumption
Electric & Heat usage
    * Only MonotaRO(Japan) is the subject of datas.
    * MonotaRO has received verification from an outside third party, The Association for NFI-Assurance (ANFIA), on its emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
    * Scope 1 covers direct emissions from fuel consumption at distribution centers,offices and by goods transferring among distribution centers.
    * Scope 2 covers emissions from the use of electric power at distribution centers and offices.
    * In 2021, CO₂ emissions in Scope 2 are higher than those in 2020 due to an increase in shipment volume resulting from business expansion and the launch of the Ibaraki-Chuo Satellite Center.
・Business Scenarios for Climate Change.
Developing senario addressing business risks and opportunities.
[Next Action]
・CO₂ emissions survey.
Measurement of 2022 emissions for Scope 1,2,3
・CO₂ emission reduction plan
Considering switching electricity used at Inagawa DC, which we lease as a tenant, to substantially renewable energy through the purchase of non-fossil certificates.
・Energy saving.
Heat-insulating paint will be applied to the roof of the Ibaraki-Chio satellite Center to reduce temperatures inside the warehouse. (Scheduled for June 2023)

Realization of a resource-recycling model through recycling activities and waste reductions

Using technology and strength of operations for reducing the consumption of shipping packaging materials and slow moving inventory and then realizing a resource recycling model.
[Our Initiatives So Far]
・Completed survey of total amount of internally generated waste.
Identification of measures to improve reduction and recycling of cardboard boxes with high total volume and evaluation of measures in progress.
    ・Completed ascertaining the total amount of cardboard boxes for shipments delivered to customers.
    ・Sort recyclable products from industrial waste and promote the switch to valuable materials (recycling).
    ・Started a trial of using damaged products (such as for copying paper) internally within the company to reduce waste.(As November in 2022)
Reducing unnecessary purchases by improving the accuracy of demand forecasts.
Avoiding inventory disposal through "Limited Stock Sale" pages.
Offering toner collection and product repair services.
[Next Action]
・Improvement in the waste volume calculation process and estimation of the total amount
・Formulate and implement a waste reduction promotion plan.
・Formulate and implement a recycling promotion plan.
・Formulate and implement a thorough separation plan.

Proposal and development of environment-conscious

Support for our customers' SDGs initiatives. Providing products and services that facilitate their efforts, we create MonotaRO's strength for the next generation.
[Our Initiatives So Far]
・Actions to help for customers to choose environment-conscious products.
"MonotaRO & SDGs" Special pages for Environmentally Conscious Products (Ecology Products) released on October 27, 2022
[Ecology Product Page]
By making it easier for the customers to be more environmentally conscious with materials procurement, MonotaRO contributes to the development of the whole environmentally conscious industrial society.
Environmental certifications the customers can choose in Ecological Products (as of January 2023).
    * "Eco Mark", "Act on Promoting Green Procurement", "PEFC(Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Scheme)", "Green Mark", "R Mark", "RoHS(Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical Equipment)"
    ・Investigating information on products manufactured by OEM manufacturers.
    ・Interviews and questionnaires implementation and analysis conducted with customers regarding procurement of environment-conscious products.
[Next Action]
・Product proposals utilizing third-party certification.
・MonotaRO defines criteria for environment-conscious products.
・Analysis of usage of product attribute information and additional proposals.


Links to other initiatives
*Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, images are strictly prohibited.
( As of Sept. 29 2023 )