Disclosure based on TCFD recommendations

1. Introduction

The more extreme climate change (global warming) caused by CO₂ and other greenhouse gasses becomes, the more we at MonotaRO are concerned about the impact of adverse effects, such as natural disasters, abnormal weather, and loss of biodiversity, on the lives of humans and other organisms on the Earth, and on economic activities. In addition, international actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are expanding to combat climate change, and these actions may also have an impact on economic activities. Based on the TCFD's recommendations, we will disclose the risks and opportunities posed by climate change and continue our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Governance

In order to promote measures to address sustainability issues, including CO₂ emission reductions, we have established the Sustainability Committee consisting of the President and CEO and other members, and Task Forces (TFs) under the Sustainability Committee to address each important issue.
The Sustainability Committee reports regularly to the Board of Directors, the organization overseeing the management, and the committee also receives reports from each TF and discusses issues with them.
For each TF, the head of the department related to each important issue is appointed as its head, and practical leaders are appointed in each TF to promote actual initiatives.
[Sustainability Committee]
Sustainability-related Meeting
Number of Meetings Held
Main Approval, Deliberation and Report Contents
(FYE 2022 to FYE 2023)
Sustainability Committee 8 times in FYE 2022
8 times in FYE 2023
● Fiscal Year 2022
・D&I Employee Awareness Survey, New Leave and Holiday system
・Progress and reporting of GHG calculation
・Efforts toward environmentally-friendly products & eco-friendly products
・Sustainable Procurement Policy
● Fiscal Year 2023
・Launch of Recycled Material Private Brand Products
・Sustainable Procurement: Confirmation of Agreement and Collection of Self-Inspection Forms
・Support for returning to work after child care, implementation of “Welcome Back” program
・Strengthening the support for the employment of people with disabilities, conducting awareness seminars
・Transition of Inagawa DC to power generated from renewable energy
・Participation in Food Drive Program in Hyogo Prefecture
The Board of Directors 2 times in FYE 2022
2 times in FYE 2023
● Fiscal Year 2022
・Review and reporting on progress and plans
・Disclosure based on TCFD.
● Fiscal Year 2023:
・Review and reporting on progress and plans
・Setting targets for reducing CO2 emissions as a climate change measure, utilizing non-fossil certificates at Inagawa DC.

3. Strategy

We have examined the impact on our business and finances in the “below 2°C scenario”, in which the global average temperature increase at the end of the 21st century is limited to less than 2°C above that in pre-industrial age, and the “4°C scenario”, in which the increase is 4°C or more.
In the below 2°C scenario, it is assumed that more aggressive measures such as the introduction of a carbon tax and drastic tightening of recycling regulations will be taken because it will be difficult to achieve greenhouse gas emission reductions with measures that are merely an extension of the current methods. As a result, the scenario assumes that the price of raw materials and energy related to greenhouse gas emissions will increase rapidly, while renewable energy will become more widespread.
On the other hand, the 4°C scenario assumes that there will be no significant tightening of regulations to restrain greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, while the popularization of renewable energy and other related measures will be limited, greenhouse gas emissions will not be sufficiently restrained and damage caused by typhoons, floods, and other abnormal weather will increase.
Although MonotaRO has subsidiaries overseas, the Company itself accounts for more than 95% of its sales. Therefore, at this time, we have examined strategies primarily on the basis of MonotaRO Co., Ltd. alone (in Japan).

Physical Risk

(* Assumes risk around 2050)
Risk Assessment
  • ・Increase of the cost of labor environment improvement measures and management costs to secure staffing for operations due to rise in average temperatures and intense heat
  •  -Increase of equipment to address heat and electricity costs for air-conditioning
  •  - Increase in staff recruitment costs due to increased absenteeism
  • ・Reduce risk through operational automation
  • Acute
  • ・Suspension of operations of logistics bases due to wind and flood damage
  • ・Delays in the receipt and delivery of products
  • ・Reduce risk by diversifying locations to multiple regions
  • ・Share the knowledge of wind and flood damage and facility responses
  • [Description]
    Chronic risk: increase in costs for labor environment improvement measures and management costs for staffing
    As of 2022, we are receiving and shipping products to our customers with the help of more than 2,000 staff members at our distribution facilities. With the rise in average temperatures and the increase in the number of extremely hot days, the cost of labor environment improvement measures, especially in distribution warehouses, is expected to rise as well as the cost of staff management due to increased absenteeism.
  • - From 2020 to 2022, the actual cost ratio to sales for hourly-waged workers in our distribution warehouses was between 2.81% and 3.12%. Based on this ratio, if, for example, an additional 10% of staff were to be allocated for increased absenteeism, expenses would increase by 0.28~0.31% of sales.
  • The Company will strive to reduce the risks associated with rising temperatures by automating its logistics operations while preventing the deterioration of the working environment caused by rising temperatures.
    Acute risk: suspension of operations at distribution centers due to wind and flood damage
    In the event of an increase in typhoons and other wind and flood damage due to climate change, there is a risk of shutdown of logistics centers and delays in the receipt and delivery of products. However, we have reduced this risk since our main distribution centers are not currently located in areas at risk of flooding.
    The Company will seek to reduce risks by sharing knowledge of wind and flood damage and the ensuing facility response while dispersing logistics bases to the Kansai and Kanto regions.

    Transition risk

    (* Assumes risk in 2030)
    Risk Assessment
  • ・Increase of energy procurement costs related to carbon-pricing
  • ・Improve productivity by addressing energy savings in operations
  • ・Procure non-fossil energy sources, consider the introduction of solar power generation facilities
  • Technology
  • ・Delay of and insufficient response to introduction of equipment that addresses decarbonization and energy conservation
  • ・Increased difficulty in developing private brand products based on decarbonization and energy conservation
  • ・Identify technology trends and enhance implementation expertise
  • ・Strengthen private brand product development capabilities regarding environment-related technologies
  • Market
  • ・Customer churn due to delays in decarbonization efforts
  • ・Decrease in sales of relevant products due to avoidance of fossil fuel-derived products
  • ・Steadily promote low-carbon and energy-saving initiatives・Strengthen development of environmentally conscious products
  • Reputation
  • ・Social blame due to delay in decarbonization efforts, loss of trust from long-term investors
  • ・Steadily promote low-carbon and energy-saving initiatives・Appropriate disclosure in accordance with the TCFD
  • [Description]
      ・Carbon Pricing Mainly in the below 2°C scenario, carbon-pricing schemes such as carbon taxes are expected to be introduced, and there is a risk of incurring additional costs due to carbon-pricing if the Company does not sufficiently advance the conversion of electricity procurement to non-fossil energy sources.
      - The actual ratio of electricity costs to sales for the period from 2020 to 2022 was 0.09~0.15%. If the carbon-pricing system is introduced, the cost may increase by more than 30% in relation to the above electricity costs (the carbon price used in the estimation is 130 USD / t-CO2, the figure that the International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates will be current in 2030, and 1 USD = 135 yen).
    The Company will closely monitor customer demand trends and replace product lineups and inventories in response to demand and build a system to limit the risk caused by customers’ avoidance of fossil fuel-derived products.
    At the same time, we will promote efforts to decarbonize, while recognizing the possibility that the delays in our decarbonization efforts could lead to customer disengagement and loss of trust from long-term investors.


    Products and services
  • ・Growing demand for environmentally conscious products
  • ・Strengthen development of environmentally conscious products
  • ・Strengthen private-brand product-development capabilities regarding environment-related
  • Market
  • ・Expansion of needs for disaster prevention and disaster recovery due to extreme weather conditions
  • ・Expansion of sales of environmental improvement products such as heat-stroke prevention products and air-conditioning material products
  • ・Supply of products for disaster prevention and recovery
  • ・Supply of heat-stroke prevention products and environmental improvement products to meet demand
  • Resources
  • ・Cost reduction through more efficient transportation
  • ・Optimal transportation (shipping) instructions based on calculations of distance between demand locations, bases, and cost
  • Energy sources
  • ・Reduction of dependence on fossil fuels
  • ・Promote introduction of renewable energy (procurement of non-fossil derived energy and consideration of introducing solar-power generation facilities)
  • [Description]
    We will properly consider customer demand, develop environmentally conscious products, and supply disaster prevention and disaster recovery products in a timely manner.
    We will also promote efficient use of resources by utilizing the Order Management System (OMS) to provide optimal transportation (shipping) instructions based on calculations of distances between demand points and bases and costs.
    The Company identifies and organizes risks related to climate change through scenario analysis and discussions among management while drawing on the knowledge of outside experts, and reports them to the Board of Directors.

    4. Risk management

    The Company has appointed an executive officer in charge of risk and established the Risk Management Office to monitor the status of company-wide risk management and provide necessary support.
    With regard to risks related to climate change, the status of risk identification and countermeasures are monitored through the sharing of reports to the Sustainability Committee with the Risk Management Office and the Audit Committee.

    5. Indicators and Targets


    [CO₂ emissions (t-CO₂)]
    Scope 1 Fuel consumption
    Scope 2 Electric & Heat usage
  • * In 2021, CO₂ emissions in Scope 2 are higher than those in 2020 due to an increase in shipment volume resulting from business expansion and the launch of the Ibaraki-Chuo Satellite Center.
  • Target

    Through the following measures, we will promote initiatives with the goal of reducing absolute CO₂ emissions by 50% from the 2020 level by 2030 with respect to Scopes 1 and 2.
    As of March 2023, we have switched to substantially renewable energy sources for electricity used at our own properties, Kasama DC and Ibaraki Chuo SC, through the purchase of non-fossil certificates with tracking information.
    We are also considering switching electricity used at Inagawa DC, which we lease as a tenant, to substantially renewable energy through the purchase of non-fossil certificates.
    For logistics facilities that we will operate as our own properties in the future, we will examine actions to procure electricity from renewable energy sources, including consideration of our own solar-power generation system.
    COP26 (Glasgow Climate Accord) confirmed the need to reduce global CO₂ emissions to "45% below 2010 levels by 2030" and "virtually zero by around 2050" in order to limit the increase in global average temperature to "+1.5°C" at the end of the 21st century. Wanting to participate in achieving this global goal, we recognize that we must not only reduce CO₂ emissions in Scope 1 and 2 but also in Scope 3 (CO₂ emissions upstream and downstream in the value chain). Our Scope 3 emissions are mainly from the use of electric power equipment products we sell, such as factory fans, and from the manufacturing of the products we sell. In order to set targets for CO₂ emission reductions in these areas, we are considering the development of practical CO₂ emission measurement modeling and disclosure methods.


    Links to other initiatives
    *Unauthorized copying and replication of the contents of this site, images are strictly prohibited.
    ( As of June 07 2024 )