President's Message

We would like to express deepest appreciations to our shareholders and investors for continued support.
MonotaRO is an online retailer of indirect materials.
We sell consumables, replacement parts, and maintenance tools related to maintenance, repair, and operation at manufacturing and construction sites as well as office supplies used by business users. These products are called "indirect materials," and we sell them through the Internet. The indirect material market in Japan is 8 to 10 trillion JPY.
We continue the challenge of "To Innovate Business Procurement Network.”
Compared to direct materials (raw materials and parts that are converted to final products), indirect materials are purchased less frequently and at lower prices but in much larger quantities. For those procuring indirect materials, the time and effort required to make procurements are more important than the price of each item.
Under MonotaRO's mission "To Innovate Business Procurement Network," we use technology and data to improve the productivity of indirect material procurement processes and provide customers with the resource "time.” The indirect material procurement processes involve a wide range of processes including product search, ordering, delivery, and payment, and our strengths in the processes are as follows;
 ● One Stop: Vast lineup of products needed
   〇 The convenience of the one-stop shopping made possible by over 24 million items and a wide
     variety of private brand products
 ● One Price: Clear prices
   〇 Transparent, fair, and easy-to-understand prices based on the one-price policy
 ● Easy to Buy: Easy to find, easy to search, and quick arrival
   〇 Advanced database marketing and site design utilizing vast data
   〇 Low cost and efficient sales by utilizing the scale and database of the mail order business
   〇 Prompt delivery through our own logistics bases with about 600 thousand products in stock
MonotaRO continues to make further contributions to improving the convenience of indirect material procurement.
Currently, more than 10 million customers have been registered with our service. We will continue to expand the number of products to acquire more customers who can improve indirect material procurement operations by using MonotaRO.We will, in addition, continue to pursue the convenience of our services to expand the scope of use of MonotaRO for our customers and hence contribute to "speedup of their work.”
We sincerely appreciate your continued support.

Sakuya Tamura, President & COO