Statements of Income

(Million yen)
Net sales254,286288,119
Cost of sales178,321203,699
Gross profit75,96484,420
Selling, general and administrative expenses44,65447,353
Operating profit31,30937,066
Non-operating income
Interest income3528
Foreign exchange gains151186
Gain on sale of materials3446
Total non-operating income367379
Non-operating expenses
Interest expenses9073
Loss on disposal of inventories41
Loss on sale of electronically recorded monetary claims3844
Total non-operating expenses137125
Ordinary profit31,53837,320
Extraordinary income
Gain on sale of non-current assets-0
Total extraordinary income-0
Extraordinary losses
Impairment losses665-
Loss on retirement of non-current assets10160
Loss on sale of non-current assets086
Total extraordinary losses768147
Profit before income taxes30,77037,173
Income taxes - current9,52111,635
Income taxes - deferred-15-188
Total income taxes9,50511,446
Profit attributable to
Profit attributable to owners of parent21,81326,338
Loss attributable to non-controlling interests-548-611
Other comprehensive income
Foreign currency translation adjustment106-33
Remeasurements of defined benefit plans, net of tax-1035
Total other comprehensive income961
Comprehensive income21,36025,728
Comprehensive income attributable to
Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent21,89726,291
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests-536-562