Shareholder Return (Dividend)

Policy for Decisions on Dividends

The Company acknowledges that profit returns to shareholders is one of the important policies of business management and adopts the basic policy of conducting stable and continuous dividends from surplus in line with growth of its consolidated business results.

Pursuant to this basic policy, the Company plans that the year-end dividend for the fiscal year under review would be 10.0 yen per share, resulting in an annual dividend of 19.0 yen per share, including the interim dividend of 9.0 yen per share.

For the next fiscal year, the Company will revise its policy to align dividends with a target payout ratio of over 50% of profit attributable to owners of the parent. Under this revised policy, the interim dividend is planned to be 15.0 yen per share, and the year-end dividend 16.0 yen per share, resulting in a total annual dividend of 31.0 yen per share.

With respect to retained earnings, the Company aims to achieve a ROE (Return on Equity) of 30% or higher while pursuing sales growth of over 15% with profit growth outpacing sales growth. Retained earnings will be allocated to growth investments to achieve these goals. However, if no suitable investment opportunities are identified, retained earnings will be used for shareholder returns by the acquisition of treasury share.

Transition of Dividends per Share

Fiscal-year 11.5 13.5 16.0 19.0 31.0
Amounts are based upon share splits including one implemented on Apr. 1, 2021.

Status of Acquisition of Treasury Stock

(1) Status of acquisition by resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders


(2) Status of acquisition by resolution of the Board of Directors

Number of Share
Total Value (yen)
Resolutions at the Board of Directors meeting (March 29, 2022)
(Acquisition period: April 1, 2022-April 8, 2022)
Treasury stock acquired before the current fiscal year
Treasury stock acquired during the current fiscal year
Total number and value of remaining resolution shares
Unexercised ratio (%) as of the end of the current fiscal year
Treasury stock acquired during this period
Unexercised percentage as of submission date (%)

(3) Details not based on resolutions of the General Meeting of Shareholders or the Board of Directors

Number of Share
Total Value (yen)
Treasury stock acquired during the current fiscal year

(4) Treatment status and holding status of treasury stock to be acquired

Number of Share
Total Disposal Price
Acquisition of treasury stock for subscriber
Acquisition of treasury stock that was canceled
Transfer related to merger, stock swap and company split Acquired treasury stock
(Disposition as Restricted share-based compensation)
Number of Treasury Stock Held